This tool section provides access to website tools that can be used to find information on the environment using spatial map data and other methods.
The NVR Map site contains two tools that are computer software applications used by government agencies in Victoria Australia to manage information about native vegetation. The tools provide a database for recording and tracking the removal and offsetting of native vegetation, and it is used to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation and regulations. They govern both removal and offsetting of native vegetation to minimise impact to the environment.
Tags: State of Victoria, Australia
NatureKit is a tool provided by the Biodiversity and Conservation Division of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning in Victoria, Australia. The NatureKit tool is a web-based mapping application that allows users to explore and access information about the natural environment and biodiversity in Victoria. The tool gives information on flora and fauna, habitats, protected areas and biodiversity values, providing a simple and intuitive interface for exploring and accessing this information.
Tags: State of Victoria, Australia
Climate Interactive En-Roads
The website Climate Interactive is a nonprofit organisation that provides tools and resources to support action against climate change. The website provides access to a range of interactive tools and simulations designed to help individuals and organisations understand the impacts of their actions on global climate change and to explore alternative pathways to a more sustainable future. One of the key tools provided on the website is the EN-ROADS (Energy and Climate Policy Simulator), which is a computer simulation model that allows users to explore the impacts of different energy and policy scenarios on global emissions and temperature. The model is designed to be accessible and provides real-time feedback on the consequences of different policies.
Tags: World